The Original Iron Men
Original Iron Men
This shirt was created originally by Harold Patrick for Company 2-5s deployment in 2015. I decided that it needed an update and worked on modernizing it while keeping the same touches Harold had so graciously infused into it.
What does the shirt mean?
A spade is a universal tool. It can move earth, hammer, bluntly cut and in the metaphorical sense, its the truth. US Navy Deep Sea Divers are the truest of the Deep Sea embodiment. Pirates with a paycheck.
The Mark V (pronounced Mark Five) is a homage to our brothers and sisters before us. US Navy Deep Sea started in 1882 and todays Deep Sea continues to work off of the lessons learned from blood sweat and tears. We will never forget where we came from and you shouldn't either.
The skull. The Deep Sea community is stronger than any fraternity, club or organization. Deep Sea will go to the ends of the earth for a fellow diver and that bond can only be physically broken by death and even after that we never forget. Deep Sea is more than a depth, it is a code and way of life. You're either Deep Sea as Fuck or you're not.
Mermaids/Sirens. All 'round the world there are mermaids and sirens looking for their Deep Sea Diver. They keep us safe at depths and ruin us on land and even then that doesn't always hold true, either way we cannot go without.
Navy and Brown are 100% Cotton
Heather Blue is a Cotton Poly Blend.
Chamber Approved of Course!